PHYSICS LESSON IN BULGARIAN AND ENGLISH AT THE “PEYO YAVOROV” PROFILED HIGH SCHOOL – PETRICH Georgy Malchev, PhD- senior teacher of Physics and Astronomy An open physics lesson in Bulgarian and English on "Heat Machines and the Environment" was held with 9th grade students at the “Peyo Yavorov” Profiled High School - Petrich. It was delivered in Bulgarian by the senior teacher of physics and astronomy, Dr. Georgi Malchev, in a class whose profile is intensive study of English. A student from the same class has taken on the role of translator of the teacher. Guests of the lesson were school leaders and teachers in various subjects. In the beginning, Mr. Malchev explained in Bulgarian the essence of the heat engines and indicated their three varieties - steam engine, internal combustion engine and jet engine. The environmental impact of the machines was presented by three teams of students in their presentations in English. The topics were: "The role of heat engines in the development of the technological revolution", "Heat machines and environmental pollution - one of the major problems of our time" and "Opportunities for reducing environmental pollution and solving environmental problems". After the presentations, Mr. Malchev summarized and conducted a blitz game with the students in the English class on some of the formulated conclusions. The participants performed brilliantly and were praised by the present English teacher Donika Dimitrova, who is also their class teacher. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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