„AMUSING SCIENCE” QUIZ in the Profiled High School - Petrich

Georgy Malchev, PhD – senior teacher of physics and astronomy

"Science is easy when is interesting" – under this motto, for five years every year, at the “Peyo Yavorov” Profiled High School – Petrich, the "Amusing Science" quiz is held. It is organized by the Natural Sciences Methodological Association on the occasion of the Patron’s day of the school. The event is being prepared a month earlier by several teams of students under the guidance of biology, physics and chemistry teachers. The quiz traditionally gathers young people with an interest in the natural sciences, who measure their knowledge and skills in an attractive form. The goal is to entertain the participants in an amusing way – with games, with spectacular experiments, with logical, creative and competitive tasks, in order to increase their motivation in studying nature’s processes and phenomena. During the quiz, students' activities are evaluated by a scientific jury comprising three teachers from the Methodological Association, headed by Georgi Malchev, Ph.D., a senior teacher in physics and astronomy. At the end of the event, the school’s headmaster traditionally presents certificates and awards to the author's teams and to the students involved in the games, wishing them to participate again in the school festive event next year.

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